Purpose of Intergroup
September 2016
Bylaws of the
1) Name: The name of this non-profit organization shall be North Central Ohio Alcoholics     Anonymous, Inc., also known as NCOAA.
             2) Location:  The office shall be located in Sandusky, Ohio, or a centralized location in the North Central Ohio Service Area.
     3) Purpose: The purpose of the NCOAA Inter-Group Office shall be to maintain and operate a service organization in the North Central Ohio Area for the joint benefits of Alcoholics Anonymous [but as a separate non-profit business and not a part of AA] and the Groups located therein in their quest to carry the message to alcoholics who still suffer.  To promote the general welfare and 12 step work of the fellowship.  We shall keep in mind to always stay within the 12 Concepts, Guidelines and 12 Traditions of Alcoholic Anonymous and shall be guided in the performance of its functions by the AA Service Manual and published guidelines of the General Service Conference (latest edition).
          A.  As a collective unit, the NCOAA Inter-Group Office may conduct
                 i.Workshops, up to four (4) per year, not limited to: 12 Traditions,    
                Financial Structure, 12 Step Calls, Sponsorship, Anonymity, General
                Recovery Information.
ii. Social AA Based functions: Memorial  Breakfast, NCOAA
                Annual Picnics, Gratitude Dinner, Alcathons and Dances.
   B. Furthermore, the NCOAA Inter-Group may add or delete such
     programs as approved by the Steering Committee.
4) Monies:  Monies for use by the Inter-Group shall be such as are received as   
   contributions and sales.  Such monies to be deposited in a depository
   approved by the Steering Committee with account to be designated “North
   Central Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Inc.” The Treasurer shall be responsible
   for the keeping of a proper set of books of accounts.  Any transferring of
   monies from one account to another should be presented to the Steering
   Committee for approval.  Extra-ordinary situations or amounts as
   Specified by the by-laws should be submitted to the Advisory Committee for    
   their approval also.
Membership:  The membership of the NCOAA Inter-Group shall consist exclusively of members of Alcoholics Anonymous duly delegated and authorized in a manner to be specified by the Steering Committee to represent their respective groups concerning the management and operation of the affairs of the NCOAA Inter-Group office.Each group shall be entitled to have one (1) voting member and this member shall be known as the Inter-Group Representative.The Inter-Group Representatives shall be collectively known as the Advisory Committee of the NCOAA Inter-Group and herein after referred to as the ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
Annual Meeting:  Annual meeting to be held on or about October 1 of  each year beginning 2017, for the purpose of voting on the Steering Committee members whose terms have expired.  At that time the Advisory Board will also elect such officers as specified by the by-laws. Regular Meeting:   Regular meetings of the Advisory Committee may be monthly or as needed. Special Meetings:  Special meetings may be called by the Officers of the Steering Committee or by written request of not less than ten (10) days before the date of said meeting.  All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be requisite to and shall constitute a quorum as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order.  A quorum shall be noted by no less than 5% of the Advisory Committee other than officers.  An adjournment may be taken by a majority of those present at the meeting.  
Duties of the Steering Committee:  The Steering Committee as a unit, shall monitor the day to day activities of the NCOAA office:  The financial income and expenses. Oversee and guide the Advisory Committee with regard to the Traditions, Concepts and Guidelines. Create necessary committees to further the work of the NCOAA objective. Oversee and guide said committees.

2) All major purchases, not inclusive of the day-to-day operating  
    expenses,  which exceed $1000.00 shall be submitted to the Advisory
    Committee for approval.
 3) Members of the Steering Committee:  The Steering Committee shall consist of nine (9) members of Alcoholics Anonymous who have previously served or who are actively serving on the Advisory Committee.  The Steering Committee shall be nine (9) members and shall consist of four (4) officers plus (up to) five (5) Members-at-Large (M/L).  They shall hold office for a term of two (2) years.
Elections of Steering Committee members are held on October 1, or as soon as possible, at the Annual Advisory Committee meeting, with those elected taking office immediately following their election. Every even-numbered year there shall be elected Vice-Chairman, Secretary and (up to) three (3) Members-at-Large.  Every odd-number year there shall be elected Chairperson, Treasurer and (up to) two (2) Members-at-Large.  The reason for this procedure is to ensure that the Steering Committee is always staffed with members of some experience.

4) Vacancy on the Steering Committee:   Any vacancy on the Steering Committee may be filled for the UNEXPIRED term by a vote of the majority of the Steering Committee.  Exception, where the vacancy to be filled has more than one (1) year to run, it then shall be filled by the Advisory Committee at their next monthly meeting.
5) All meetings of the Steering Committee may be held at such times and       places as may be provided for and upon such notice as the Steering Committee feels is necessary.  A majority of members in office at the time shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Steering Committee and an adjournment may be taken by a majority of those present at the meeting.
6) The majority of the entire Steering Committee may remove any member of the Steering Committee, except the officers, for cause.  The majority of the Advisory Committee may remove any officer for cause.
7) For any officer or member of the Steering Committee who has three (3) unexcused absences from the Steering and Advisory Committee meetings, the legitimacy of the member’s absence will be brought up for discussion/review at the Steering Committee meeting.  The future of the member on the committee will be left to the discretion of the remaining members of the Steering Committee.
8) Members of the Steering Committee shall take an active part by attending all functions scheduled by the NCOAA Inter-Group as listed in Article I, Section 3A.
9) Members-at Large will not be excluded from voting at the Advisory Committee. Elected officers may not vote; except if it would pertain to a tie, then the chairperson would vote.
1) Before the regularly scheduled election of the Steering committee, the Steering Committee, at the June Advisory meeting, shall select and appoint a Nomination Committee Chairperson. This Chairperson shall be an active group representative who is not a member of the Steering Committee. The Nomination Chairperson will carry out his duties as outlined.
2) In selecting the slate of nominees, the Nominating Committee shall explore:
          A) The availability of the person and his/her willingness to serve.
          B) His/her overall ability and capacity to carry out the duties and functions that may be required of the members of the Steering Committee.
          C) Be a member of a recognized group located in NCOAA Inter-Group Service Area.
          D)  Be present at the meeting when nominations and elections to such office occur.
          E) Length of continuous sobriety:             
                 Chairperson                   Three (3) Years
            Vice- Chairperson          Three (3) Years
                    Treasurer                       Three (3) Years
                    Secretary                   One (1) Year
           Members-at-Large         Two (2) Years
          F) Term Limits for all elected officers and members-at-large shall be a maximum of two (2) consecutive 2-year terms.
          G) As far as possible, all geographical areas of the NCOAA Inter-Group should be represented in the nominees of the Steering Committee.
3) The slate of recommended nominees will be given to the Secretary in a timely manner that allows the Secretary to present the list to the August meeting of the Advisory Committee. The slate of nominees will be submitted to the Advisory Committee at the election meeting in the month of October.
          A.) Group Representatives may make ADDITIONAL nominations from the floor on Election Day.
           B)  Advisory Committee members shall be authorized to fill any vacancies left open by the Nomination Committee as per Article V, 2.
           C)  In the event that a single candidate is nominated for an open position, that nominee is selected by default as long as the Advisory Committee offers approval.
4) Following the election, Steering Committee Chairperson will provide each newly elected Steering Committee member with an AA Service Manual and the appropriate General Services (GSO) Guidelines. Materials along with any other literature or materials supplied to them, for the purpose of carrying out their respective duties while in office, shall be returned to the Chairperson in the event of resignation or expiration of their elected term.
1) Group Representatives present at a regular or a duly called special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any regular business including, but not limited to, the election of officers.
2) Each Group Representative (or Home Group) shall be entitled to only one vote. The election of officers shall be by ballot at the October meeting. An Election Committee appointed by the Chairperson and approved by the Advisory Committee shall count the ballots. The person receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered elected. In case of a tie vote for any office, another vote shall be taken. Election for each office will be made separately. The elected officers will assume their offices immediately for a period of two (2) years. Any person or persons who are elected to fill a vacant office between normal elections are to assume the elected post immediately.
1) Chairperson:  Subject to the guidance of the Steering Committee, the chairperson shall be the executive officer of Steering and Advisory Committees and shall lead in the general supervision of Inter-Group Office and the holding thereof. The Chairperson generally oversees the affairs (day to day) activities of the Inter-Group office and shall have such other powers and duties as are incidental to his/her office. The Chairperson, by virtue of the office, shall preside over all meetings of the Advisory Committee and the Steering Committee.
          A. The Chairperson may serve as a non-voting Advisor of the Advisory Committee and Steering Committee for one (1) year after term of office.
 2) Vice-Chairperson: Shall be supportive of and actively involved with the duties of the Chairperson. Shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of such Chairperson. Vice-Chairperson shall perform any other duties that are assigned to him/her.
 3) Treasurer:  Shall do the following:
          A. Receive all funds and deposit them in the authorized depository.
          B. Pay all obligations as authorized by the Steering Committee.
          C. Keep all vouchers of all disbursements.
          D. Present an oral and written financial report to the Steering and Advisory Committees at each regular meeting.
          E. Signatures of Treasurer, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary will be present on all bank accounts. Two (2) signatures will be required on all checks for endorsement.
           F. Takes over the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
           G. On the expiration of his/her office shall deliver all monies, books and other property of the Inter-Group to his/her successor or the Chairperson of the Steering Committee.
            H. Cooperate with the Financial Committee and Audit Committee by having all records and books readily available.
4) Secretary: Shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Advisory and Steering Committee meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or Vice-chair. At the expiration of the term of the Secretary’s office, the Secretary is to turn over to the incoming Secretary all records and materials pertinent to that office.
5) Members-At-Large: Shall attend all Advisory and Steering Committee meetings. Shall have an active voice at both meetings and will have voting rights at the Advisory meeting.
            A. Should conduct themselves as liaison between the Steering Committee and the Groups.
           B. Shall be responsible for the duties delegated by the Steering Committee Chair or Vice–Chair.
            C. Shall be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the NCOAA meeting schedules and information of groups that are serviced by the NCOAA office.
1) While realizing that there are no fees or dues in A.A., we must recognize that if the objects and purpose of the Inter-Group are to be served and carried out, that we must be self – supporting and this support must necessarily be derived through the charitableness and voluntary contributions of the Area Groups and the individual members of A.A. This financial responsibility of providing funding should be shared by all associated members of NCOAA.
2) All monies received by the Inter-Group office must be deposited in a Government insured account in the immediate area where the NCOAA office is located or may be located in the future, under the condition of Article 1, Section 2 of these By-Laws. Funds from the Prudent Reserve may be invested in a Certificate of Deposit (CD), provided the CD is Government insured, and interest earned on the account is used for general expenses and/or donations. In any event, the CD is still considered as a part of the Prudent Reserve Fund. All monies of the Prudent Reserve should not exceed one (1) year’s expenses of operating the NCOAA offices, based on the previous year’s audit.
3) The Inter–Group must look primarily to the area groups for its support and maintenance with such other supplemental income as may be supplied, from time to time, by those A.A. Members who are financially able and grateful for the affiliation with the Fellowship.
            A. The Operational Fund, by its name is a fund where all contributed and interest earned funds are deposited. This fund is drawn upon to pay all the incurred expenses involving the operation of the NCOAA office.
       The NCOAA Inter-Group may donate (under special circumstances) to its ability and/or its pleasure to AA World Services, Area 54 or Area 55; as approved by the Advisory Committee.
            B. The Literature Fund, by nature of its name, is where all funds received from the sale of inventory are deposited. Funds from this account are used for the replacement of inventory as approved by the Steering Committee. Sale of the NCOAA inventory may be sold to AA members and non-AA members.
                      I. These funds will not be commingled without the approval of the Advisory Committee. However, in an emergency the  Steering Committee has the right to transfer funds from one account to the other and shall report such transfer at the next Advisory meeting.
                     II. Any transfer of funds shall be reimbursed to the depleted account at the earliest possible time.
4) There will be a complete audit of all NCOAA Financial affairs once a year. This includes a complete audit of the literature department that is to include an itemized inventory of the literature as well as its financial stature. This internal audit will be performed by the Audit Committee, which shall be formed for this special purpose. It is supervised by one member of the Steering Committee other than the Treasurer and Chairperson. The Audit committee will consist of two or three members from the Advisory Committee with some knowledge of financial matters. The results of these audits and recommendations, if any, are to be sent to the Group Representatives upon completion. The audit will also be made available at the NCOAA office to any group member in good standing upon request.
1) The Steering Committee has or may create the following committees as the need arises, and to terminate if no longer compatible or constructive to NCOAA’s operation.
1. Area Newsletter                           6. Institutional
2. Auditing                                        7. Literature
3. Election                                         8. Nominating
4. Entertainment                              9. Public Information and
                                         Cooperation with Professional  Community
5. Financial                                      10. Volunteer Committee
The above represents a partial list, more may be formed, but the 12 Concepts, AA Guidelines and 12 Traditions must discipline all committees. All committees will be held accountable to the Steering Committee Chairperson and may be requested to attend the Advisory meeting.
2) It will be the responsibility of the Committee chairperson to submit the names of the committee members to the Steering Committee. A Committee Chairperson is responsible to replace, at the earliest possible time, any members who drop out. Each Committee should meet as often as necessary in order to preserve continuity of thought, purity of purpose, and the integrity of said committee.
 1) The NCOAA By-Laws may be altered, changed, modified, or amended by affirmative vote by the majority of the attending members of the Advisory Committee, at a regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting called for this purpose.
             A. Written notice of the proposed amendment will be made available to the Group Representatives or home groups by placing a notice in the newsletter, web-site and at the NCOAA office no less than fourteen (14) days before the date on which the Advisory Committee shall meet to consider the proposed amendment(s).
             B. Any new amendments will be made part of the By-Laws upon the anniversary of the said amendment and will be incorporated as such.
1) Selection of inter-group office manager(s): the method of selecting the Inter – Group office manager shall be as follows:
                A. The Steering Committee shall solicit applications from all interested parties.
                B. The Steering Committee shall review all applications and interview all applicants. List the names of all qualified applicants for consideration as an NCOAA inter–group office manager and its recommendation as to the best qualified applicants for the position of NCOAA inter-group manager.
                C. The Steering Committee shall select the individual to be employed as NCOAA Inter-Group office manager from the list of qualified candidates by an affirmative vote of two thirds of those members present at the time of voting.
                D. All groups shall be promptly notified whenever a new NCOAA Inter-Group office manager is selected.
2) Qualifications of NCOAA Inter-Group office manager: The qualifications of the NCOAA Inter-Group office manager shall be as follows:
                A. They must be an alcoholic with at least five years continuous sobriety prior to filing an application, with the most recent year in the NCOAA area as an active member of the area group.
                 B. Must submit written authorization to the Steering Committee to conduct any investigation deemed necessary to establish and verify qualifications.
                 C. Should have some experience as a home group secretary, group GSR, or have served in a similar position involving AA service work.
                 D. Should have a background in general office work, be able to type; and have a working knowledge of computers.
                 E. Should be a competent speaker and have a good general appearance.
                 F. Should have demonstrated proficiency in working effectively with people new to the AA program according to AA principles.
                 G. Must be bondable.
3) Duties of the NCOAA Inter-Group office manager: The duties of the NCOAA Inter-Group office manager shall be to:
                 A. Conduct the daily business of the NCOAA office.
                 B. Maintain daily records of all funds received and paid out by the NCOAA office.
                 C. Maintain comprehensive, confidential, and up-to-date files on all contracts with the NCOAA Inter-Group office and disposition of said contracts, and any other records and information deemed necessary by the Steering Committee.
                 D. Prepare monthly statements of area groups contributions/rents to be given to the NCOAA Treasurer.
                 E. Cooperate and maintain active contact with agency institutions working in the area of alcoholism by directing calls to the appropriate NCOAA Inter-Group committee.
                 F. Maintain an adequate supply of AA books and literature as outlined by NCOAA Inter-Group policy.
                 G. Maintain separate daily records of all funds received from the sale of AA literature and other materials. Records must be kept so that they may be audited.
                 H. Devote full time to the position of NCOAA Inter-Group office manager and not have any conflicts of interest.
                 I. Ensure that all meetings held at the Inter-Group office adhere to the guidelines set forth in their rental agreement, especially with respect to maintaining the facility.
                 J. Attend and participate in NCOAA Inter-Group and Advisory Board meetings and give a report on the activities of the NCOAA Inter-Group office, and the expenses and income to the treasurer.
                 K. Maintain a clean and orderly NCOAA Inter-Group office and literature room at all times.
                 L. Execute any written instructions signed by the chairman of the NCOAA.
                 M. Managers will not be able to vote on the Steering Committee, but will make monthly reports to the committee.
                 N. Keep NCOAA Inter-Group office data on the computer.
4) Compensation and Benefits of the NCOAA Inter-Group office manager(s): The compensation and benefits of the NCOAA Inter-Group office manager shall be as follows:
                 A. As recommended/approved by the Steering Committee; also to comply with prevailing state/federal minimum wage laws.
                 B. Reviewed annually on the anniversary date of hire by the Steering Committee.         
5) Term of employment as NCOAA Inter-Group office manager:
The individual(s) employed as NCOAA Inter-Group office manager shall hold such a position indefinitely subject to removal for demonstrated failure to perform duties adequately or to not continue to meet all of the qualifications for the position. Any recommendations of dismissal shall be discussed/decided upon (by vote if necessary), by the Steering Committee.
     Any procedural or organizational sections not specifically covered within the by-laws shall be dealt with through ‘Roberts Rules of Order/common sense’ business procedure given by the chairman with majority of the Advisory Committee.