MARCH 2024

Sober Horizon

Newsletter of the North Central Ohio AA Intergroup
March 2024 publication
Phone: 419-625-5995
An inter-group is an A.A. Service that Involves partnership among groups” in a
community. It is established to carry out certain functions which are best handled
by a centralized office. It is usually maintained. Supervised and supported by
these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the groups in their common
purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

Steering Committee Members Chairman-Chad H, Vice Chairman-Ronnie G, Treasure-Doug E, Secretary Chris S.
Members at Large: Justin B, Randy W, Tom F, Bill S and Cheryl C
February 2024, NCOAAI Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance:
Chad H, Ronnie G, Doug E, Chris S, Randy W,
Tom F, Cheryl C, Eric D. Robert T, Jacob E,
Tim K, Jason T, John T.
Meetings Minutes:
Chris S-Prepared and submitted by Chris SAccepted
Treasure’s Reports:
Doug E submitted a copy of the financial
report; copies were provided of the current
expense report, donation log. See attached.
$2664.37 income (donations & literature sales),
$6037.63 expenses, -$3373.26 net loss. Total
cash $23,430.25Doug E. reported on Year-End
Activities: 1099 information was sent to the
accountant and mailed by 01/31/2024, RITA
was submitted, Sales Tax reconciled and
completed Year-End Financial Statement.
Committee Reports:
H&I: Tom F-nothing new to report, the jails are
still dealing with Covid outbreaks.
Literature: Bob T. added $3000.00 to
Literature fund for operations and future
ordering. Bob T. can foresee a large order from
Erie County Detox Center and wants to have
available funds to order. – Approved $3000 as
a temporary movement of funds to cover the
project, upon completion of order the $3000
will be returned to the operations fund. Sales
are increasing every week.
Workshops: Ronnie G-March 17 from 12-4pm
Subject: The Fundamentals of Alcoholics
Anonymous. Kent C. will help with the
presentation. Fliers will be coming soon.
Entertainment: Memorial Breakfast Chris S
spoke with the American Legion manager and
everything is set until April 1st. Tom F. has 2
home groups who will help host this event.
Chris S. is interested in getting pricing from a
different source for the tickets.
New London Camp Out 2024 Nothing
AA Olympics 2024 Nothing
Intergroup Picinic 2024 Nothing
Gratitude Dinner 2024 -UAW is reserved.
Website: Bill S. did not attend the meeting.
Sober Horizons: Chris S – going well, we are
doing a mailing/distribution of a Sober Horizon
packet and hope to hit all the home groups.
12 step list: Randy W.- is working on a new
list. He will work with Chris S. on an Excel

Financial Auditing: nothing new.
Misc: Doud E – Treasure is resigning as of
February 29, 2024. Chad encouraged everyone
to help solicit a new Treasure at the meetings
we attend. At the next meeting Chad will
appoint a One Time Nomination Committee
which will handle the election that day to fill
the position or any other that might be opened
Due to role shifting. The new Treasure will
take over immediately. Motion made to
adjourn, seconded and all in favor, no opposed.
Minutes submitted by Chris S, Secretary.

Donations for February 2024
REBOS $ 40.00
Young People Unite $ $ 50.00
Vacationland $483.00
Port Clinton Township $605.30
Milan New Hope $ 50.00
As Bill Sees It OVH $500.00
Tues. Night Downtown Norwalk $243.00
Freedom Road Wed Night Artisans $200.00
Total Donations 02/20/2024 $1771.30

Please submit your home group info, sober
anniversary and other AA related information for
next month issue to NCOAAI office, fill out form or
email to
NCOAA Intergroup Advisory Board

From our Locals
“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
over to the care of God as we understood him.”
3rd Step
There is a four-letter word in the 3rd
Step…care…we do not turn our will and our lives
over to God…but to His Care…meaning His will.
“All of the twelve steps require sustained and
personal exertion to conform to their principles
and so, we trust to God’s will”.
Brian C
“The only requirement for A.A. is the desire to
stop drinking.”
3RD Tradition
So, to be honest I needed to look up the above
Third Tradition in the Twelve and Twelve, pp
I appreciate that “You are an AA member if
you say so…nobody can kick you out.”
At one time each AA group had so many
membership rules that it caused a lot of fear
and anxiety (like we needed more than we
already had) of being kicked out.
Now Tradition Three is based on simplicity.
What right do we have to judge one of our sick
brothers or sisters?
Alcohol is one form of addiction which can
lead to death, just like other abused substances.
I believe if a member has mental or physical
health issues, they are also to be welcomed.
Otherwise, we are discriminatory the same way
society might act towards alcoholics. I
believe we should welcome those who want to
work the steps even if they have other
addictions of substances in addition to alcohol.
I love that the Big Book states that any two or
three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety
can call themselves a group. Some of the best
meetings happen in parking lots or in
“dashboard meetings” (term borrowed from
Mary W.) sitting inside a car. I’m so glad to be
a member of Alcoholics Anonymous – we are
not a glum lot for sure and forever!
Cheryl C.
“We will comprehend the word serenity.”
3rd Promise
Having serenity in my life today. When life gets
chaotic, trusting in my Higher Power and knowing
that everything will be fine. Finally having peace
and calm in my life that I so desire.
Tim L.

  • March 17 The FUNdamentals of
    Alcoholics Anonymous. Presented by
    Ronnie G.,Kent C.,Carol L.and John R.
    12-4p, OVH Cottage O, Lunch will be
    provided as “potluck style”.
  • April -date to be announced-Spring
    Cleaning Cottage O Big Room at the
    *May 19 Sunday Memorial Breakfast
    @ American Legion Rte 4 Sandusky.
    $15 tickets will be available soon.
    *June 27-30 New London Campout.

  • Sober Anniversaries
    Sandra K 10 Years
    Jean K 6 Years